Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Monday’s Special Visit

Monday’s adventure was what I had all imagined.  I had the privilege of watching the school children in action. I sat in on the various classrooms and interacted with the children. The kids became less shy as well as they remembered who I was, asked me questions, and even thought I was older than Thomas and or in my 50s/60s. 
Every class was amazing as they are typical schoolchildren. They love to learn and try their hardest, yet can be mischievous at times too. I had the privilege of working on reading with the Primary 3 grade students. As with many students, everyone is at a different reading level and I helped them pronounce words and applauded them for a job well done. In the  Primary 2 class, they learned division, as sharing. Many understood and many had visual aids to use which I helped them with. 
It’s the same as any school, you see the children smile. Their morning break I watched them interact with each other playing games, and even trying to hide from me and tease me, and laugh. It brought joy as I taught them high 5s and kept moving my hands away from them. But many children, even the nursery children, wanted a high 5. 
Then I was told I had coffee made for me, as I arrived they told me to wait in the office a they were practicing for Tuesday’s big reception and inagural ceremony. 
The joy I had today was seeing the kids wanting to learn, and then all telling me to use my right hand as, the left is never used for writing. I even saw their religious studies class which teaches them not only about Christianity, but Islam, and local tribal religions. 
Such an amazing day and many cheerful children. A highlight is everyone called me, Master. That’s how they address a teacher. A throwback from the British. But I can get used to it. 
Now we finally have the rain and when it rains, it pours, even no power. 

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